Taishi Town Tour 11th April
Town where Prince Shotoku, who laid the foundations of the Constitution of Japan, is laid to rest
Masaaki Yoshikawa( (株)Human Hub Japan代表 吉川 正晃さん)
Youichi Watanabe(ヒトツナギ代表/コワーキング&シェアオフィスCOMMUNE 渡辺 葉一さん)
Ayaka Ueura(コワーキング&シェアオフィスCOMMUNE運営スタッフ 渡辺 絢加さん)
Fumi Mukai(The DECK)
3 foreigners 4 Japanese Total 7 (4 men, 3 women)
外国人3名 日本人4名 合計7名 (男性4名 女性3名)
又、現地で、英文のTaishi Town Travel Bookをお渡しします。
The following is an English translation of the explanation of Eifukuji Temple and Seihoin Temple in the Taishi Town Travel Guidebook.
You will also receive a copy of the Taishi Town Travel Book in English at the site.
Eifukuji (Shinagasan Eifukuji)
According to temple's chronicle, the temple was originally established in the year of 30 of Suiko period, i.e. 622 AD to protect the mausoleum of Prince Shotoku to hold a memorial service for him for long. The temple’s praying hall was built in the first year of the Jinki Era (724) at the request of Emperor Shomu.
Later on, it is said that the eastern temple complex was named Tennpōrin-ji and the western one Eifuku-ji.
In the late 12th century, the pagoda was extensively repaired by Taira no Shigemori, but the entire buildings in the mountain was destroyed and burnt down by the solders of Oda Nobunaga in Tensho 2 (1570).
Then, in Keicho 8, i.e, 1603, Toyotomi Hideyori rebuilt the Seireiden (Hall of the Holy Spirit), which was the start of the rebuilding of the temple complex, and by the middle of the Edo period, the Kondo (main hall) and the Tahoto (pagoda) had been rebuilt, giving the temple its current appearance.
During the Heian period, many emperors and members of the royal family, including Emperor Saga, paid homage to the temple, and as the tomb of Prince Shotoku was there, the founders of various Japanese Buddhism, had visited here for worshiping. Monks who became the founders of the new Buddhism, such as Kukai, Shinran, Nichiren, Ippen, Ryonin and Shokoku, also visited here for worshiping.
聖霊殿 国指定重要文化財(昭和52年)
Seiryouden (Hall of the Holy Spirit), National Important Cultural Property since 1977 (Showa 53).
聖霊殿は太子堂とも呼ばれ、聖徳太子十六歳植髪等身の像が祀られております。この像は後鳥羽 天皇が文治3年(1187年)に臨幸の時、宮中にあったこの像を下賜されたものと伝えられております。
This statue is said to have been given at the time of Emperor Go-Toba when he visited this place in 1187 (era of Bunji 53). The statue was originally placed at the rotal palace.
It is also known as the statue of filial piety, and it is said that he prayed for his father, Emperor Youmei, to be cured from his illness in this style.
It was rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyori in 1603, imperial era Keichou 8, at the request of Emperor Goyozei, with Ito Samanokami Norinaga as magistrate.
Tahoutou, Buddhistic architecture style, a nationally designated important cultural property, registered in Show ear 52, i.e.,1977.
It was rebuilt in 1652, imperial era Jyouou the 1st , by Mitani Sankuro who lived in the historical era of Edo.
The main deity is enshrined on the eastern face with the three images of Sakyamuni, Monju and Fugen, and Dainichi Nyorai of the golden world on the western face, with the four pillars depicting the images of the Four Heavenly Kings.
金堂 府指定文化財(平成13年)
Kondou, a hall where principal image is enshrined.
Prefecturally designated cultural property (2001, in the imperial era of the 13th).
The main deity is a 90 cm tall statue of Nyoirin Kannon, flanked on both sides by Fudo Myoo and Aizen Myoo, both said to have been created by Koubou-Daishi.
It was rebuilt in 1732 (imperial era of Kyoho 17).
Sai’hou-In (Nankouzan Sai’hou-In)
寺伝によれば、 聖徳太子の死後にその乳母であった月益姫、(蘇我馬子の娘)、日益姫(小野妹子の娘)、玉照姫(物部守屋の娘)が 剃髪してその間を善信・禅蔵、恵善と改め、 剃髪して、太子の遺髪を収めて、その冥福を祈ったのが始まりとされています。
According to temple history, after the death of Prince Shotoku, his nanny Princess Tsukimasu, (daughter of Soga no Umako), Princess Himasu (daughter of Ono no Imoko) and Princess Tamateru (daughter of Mononobe Moriya) shaved their hairs and changed their names to Zenshin, Zenzou and Keizen. It is also believed that here as a place to house the hair of the Shoutoku Taishi and peple pray for his repose.
当初は、法楽寺と呼ばれていましたが、その後荒廃し、江戸時代の寛永16年(1639年) 蓮誉壽性尼(れんよじゅしょうに)が西方院として再興されたされています。
Originally temple was called Houraku-ji, it, however, later fell into dilapidation and was rebuilt as Seiho-in by Renyo Jusho-ni in 1639, kan'ei era 16) during the historical period of Edo (1639-1868).
The principal image is the Amida Nyorai, said to have been created by Prince Shotoku, and the eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), said to have been created by Sozu Keishin.
To the south of the temple, complex of three multi-storey, limestone mausoleums believed to be the tombs of the three nuns.
Confirmation for participants.
This project is supervised by The DECK and was realised with the full cooperation of the Taishi Town. Therefore, we ask for your cooperation in future projects in Taishi Town by giving us permission to take your photograph.
本企画はThe DECKが監修していますが、太子町および西方院協力のもとで実現しました。つきましては今後の太子町への協力として、写真撮影の許可をお願いいたします。
For enquiries about this project, please contact Fumi Mukai at The DECK.
本企画に対するお問い合わせはThe DECKの向井までお願いいたします。
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